Mistress Farmer completes Lord Mayor’s abseil challenge

The Lord Mayor Nicholas Lyons' abseil challenge at the Lloyds building in London was a fantastic success, with over 70 people joining the Lord Mayor descending this iconic, 289ft-high City…

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Inter Livery Shoot

The Inter Livery Shoot was held at West London Shooting School 17 May, 2023. This was a new venue, which added to the interest, and we were blessed with good weather,…

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The Master’s summer visit

On 31 May some 60 liverymen and guests congregated in the Master’s home county of Gloucestershire for the annual Summer Visit.

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City Food and Drink Lecture

Along with some 600 others, the Master attended the 22nd City Food and Drink Lecture at the Guildhall on 15 May, where the guest of honour was the Princess Royal.

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Call My Wine Bluff

The Lansdowne Club in Mayfair was the venue for the second Livery ‘Call My Wine Bluff’ on 9 May. Some 115 guests enjoyed a fabulous three-course dinner under the splendid…

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