RAF Waddington visit
On November 8, a group of liverymen visited RAF Waddington for lunch, hosted by the Station Commander Mark Lorriman-Hughes OBE, and presentation of the WCF award by the Master.
Lord Mayor’s Show a success
This year’s Lord Mayor’s Show was blessed with blue skies all day, which helped swell the cheering crowds lining the route.
City Farms visit commercial units
During the half-term break the Farmers’ Livery Company and Redhill branch of the NFU funded and organised two visits to three working commercial farms in Surrey and Bedfordshire.
Pollinating London together
The Worshipful Company of Farmers has been working with a project to help create spaces for pollinators in London. We recently were awarded our membership certificate with thanks from the…
WFC awards two scholarships to OFC
Two Young Farmers Club members will be learning more about the impact of a diverse agricultural sector after earning scholarships to the Oxford Farming Conference in January.