On Sunday 9 July the Master Richard Davies with Mistress Farmer Terri Davies, Liveryman Anne Courtney and Apprentice Victoria Rayner attended the Wing Field Day at RAF Northolt, the first since 2019 due to Covid.
Wing Commander Niall Cumming and Flt Lt Christopher Pocock gave the party a tour of the air base and showed some of the activities the Cadets had taken part in during the day, including musical and band competitions, aircraft recognition and banner drill.
They met Acting Pilot Officer Krish Patel who, when a Cadet, had been sponsored by the Livery to attend the International Air Cadet Exchange (IACE) in the Netherlands. He hugely benefitted from this international experience and since returning has attained the qualifications to be a volunteer officer in the Middlesex Wing.

The Master presenting the John Thorpe salver to Squadron 398 for the greatest contribution to Community Service
The two recipients of Livery 2023 IACE sponsorships, Sqn CWO Tyson Lee – who will be travelling to America, based in New York and Washington DC Air Bases – and FS Davila Ajia, who is off to Sydney Australia, gave presentations.
Both were extremely appreciative and enthusiastic. FS Davila, as a keen chef and foodie, is looking forward to eating crocodile! The Wing Commander stressed the ‘worthiest’ are chosen, not the most ‘wealthy’ thanks to the Livery sponsorship. He and the Cadets thanked the Livery for the support.
You may remember the name: Sqn CWO Tyson Lee. Honoured to be selected from all the Cadets in the country, he carried the Union Flag in Westminster Abbey ahead of the Prime Minister during the King’s Coronation in May.
He had a conversation with the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his wife beforehand, and recognised many personalities and famous people as he processed down the aisle of the Abbey. He was also interviewed on BBC Breakfast TV the day before.
The Master Farmer’s party heard from the Cadets on the value of leadership skills, as well as the ‘soft’ skills of teamwork, communication, and time management they had acquired since joining the Cadet Service, all of which will be invaluable when they leave school and go out into the workplace.

The Master presenting the John Thorpe salver for outstanding performance in outdoor pursuits to Squadron 14F
After lunch, the Farmer’s party attended the Parade, complete with 250 Cadets and the Wing marching band. No officers on the parade ground at the Cadets’ request, as they had expressly asked to do the drill themselves.
This proved quite a challenge as only about 12 Cadets had had any previous experience of a Wing Field Day, highlighting the recruitment and retention challenges the Wing has faced over the last four years during Covid.
The Master then presented the two Livery trophies:
- The John Thorpe Salver: Awarded to the Squadron which has contributed most to community service throughout the year, went to Squadron 398 Staines and Egham
- The new John Thorpe Salver: Awarded to the Squadron or Cadet that had been outstanding in outdoor pursuits, went to Squadron 14F Northolt.
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