The WCF runs an annual apprenticeship scheme, whereby a Liveryman acts as
an ‘Apprentice Master’.

Apprentice benefits:
· Structured mentoring scheme
· Exposure to the Livery, City of London and its network
· Enjoyment of one annual luncheon
· Possibility of travel contribution
· Possibility of sums for educational travel
· Simplifies and reduces the cost of joining the Livery until the age of 40
· Ongoing Livery involvement

Apprentice criteria
· 18-24 at the age of binding
· Apprenticeship ends at 26
· Expected to learn something of the art of farming
· Annually attend a livery luncheon with their Master (Mentor)
· Annually compile a 250 word update
· Commitment to engagement with mentor.

For more information contact Graham Bamford on

Former Attfield Brooks Apprentice - George Padwick

Previous Apprentices

Report will be added when available.

Report will be added when available.