Livery Familiarisation Event at Farmers and Fletchers Hall on 12 June. 10.30 for coffee.

This light-hearted and informative day is for those interested in knowing more about the Livery movement, the City of London and the Farmers’ Company. It is highly recommended for those who have recently become a Freeman, been Clothed, or are members of the Alumni Association who would like to proceed into Livery.

During the morning you will obtain an understanding of the history and governance of the Company, our charitable giving, our military affiliations and get a better understanding of the Livery movement and the City of London Corporation. The day will be delivered by senior officers of the Company and external advisers.

During the buffet lunch, Ted, our Beadle, will explain his role at our functions and demonstrate the ancient ritual of of the Loving Cup. In the afternoon there will be a walking tour through the City with Mr Murray Craig, a blue badge guide, the recently retired Clerk to the Chamberlain’s Court.