On 11th March the Master was joined by our current Jubilee Scholars Megan Hall, Beth Williams, Harry Towers and Samuel Sharp for this well established annual event which is an important reminder of the links between the City of London and UK agri-food and drink industry. The audience of over 500 Liverymen and guests appreciated an informative speech from keynote speaker John Shropshire MBE, Chairman of G’s group. Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, (PM 2002) once again presented the closing address and at the buffet supper afterwards spent time chatting with attendees, including our Jubilee Scholars.
A Flippin’ Good Day
The Master and Senior Warden were joined by Gemma Hooper, Manager of Surrey Docks Farm and Liveryman Cathy Robinson for the annual Lord Mayor’s Pancake Races on March 4th. These fun races take place in the Guildhall Yard, which was blessed with glorious sunshine and large crowds. The Master led his race until he had to stop and retrieve his chef’s hat, without which he would have incurred penalties. This great event raises money for the Lord Mayor’s Charity and although light hearted it is always competitive.
Another course success
Another successful completion of our highly regarded course, The Challenge of Rural Leadership (2025), marks 29 years of helping develop our candidates’ personalities and business acumen as well as broaden self-confidence and communication skills. Our candidates positively glowed with accolades about the course and cannot recommend it highly enough. Comments include “if you’ve ever had any doubts about this course, put them aside and send in an application – you won’t regret it”
Annual Banquet
Our Annual Banquet was held on 4th February at Drapers’ Hall with Past Master HRH The Princess Royal as principal guest. Over 240 Liveryman, Freeman and guests enjoyed a convivial evening and our speaker, Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer delivered a stirring speech. HRH The Princess Royal followed and inspired us all. The Carpet Guard for the evening was provided by cadets from some of our military affiliations: Westminster Dragoons, Royal Yeomanry and Middlesex Wing Air Training Corps
News from OFC
From 8-10 January our two OFC award winners, Hannah Rees and Nathaniel Watkins attended the three days of the conference and they both found it an invaluable experience. Nathaniel says “Through attending this exciting and thought-provoking conference I believe I have gained a much greater appreciation of the scope and breadth of the industry. Through talks from those at the top of their sectors and vigorous debate I have been not only inspired but gained confirmation of my place in agriculture. With immense gratitude to NFYFC and WCF”. Hannah is equally positive and says “I really recommend anyone to apply, regardless of your occupation, experience etc. It truly is an incredible experience and a highlight of my YFC Journey was standing in front of hundreds of people asking questions which would lead to some positive conversations.”
Visit to RAF Waddington
13th November saw us at RAF Waddington for our annual visit. Station Commander, Group Captain ‘Dutch’ Holland welcomed the group, and described the crucial “ISTAR” work of the airbase – Intelligence, Surveillance, Targeting and Reconnaissance. We were then accompanied around the base by Flight Officer Henry Campbell. The highlight was getting up close and personal with the new generation of drone – the “Protector”, being assembled and tested at the base. The group then viewed the airbase’s firefighting equipment and some of the modern airforce’s firearms.
Strawberries Galore!
On 12th November some 30 liverymen and guests were treated to a fascinating tour of the Dyson strawberry operation at Carrington, Lincs, organised by PM Philip Wynn. The site was a field in 2020 and was producing strawberries 12 months later, and now produces 1200 tonnes of fruit a year, including 100% of Mark and Spencers’ requirement. The 10 hectare state-of-the-art glasshouse was mightily impressive not just for its scale, but for the level of sophistication of its environmental control systems. The astonishing robotic harvesting units had to be seen to be believed. Each fruit was individually inspected, filmed, picked and filmed again for quality before being allocated to a punnet. The robots from Dogtooth, a Cambridge company, were in their 4th iteration and were nearing the speed required for commercial use. The 3MW anaerobic digester, requiring 140 tonnes of feedstock per day – mainly on maize grown on the farm – provided all of the electrical power and heat for the glasshouse. The three 24 cylinder engines, running on the methane produced by the digester, hummed away impressively as we filed past in awe. Strawberries as far as the eye could see
Remembrance Sunday
The Master and Liveryman Anne Courtney are proud to support the Westminster Dragoons in Fulham SW6. They were invited to hop aboard this Jackal, a mobile weapons vehicle used for reconnaissance
Class of 2001 CRL Reunion
The 2001 CRL course had a great three day reunion in the Scottish Borders organised by Rob and Lucy Forrest. With nine out of the eighteen course delegates able to attend and fifteen years since our last reunion we had a lot of catching up to do.
Our first visit was to Cheviot Trees, a 30 year old family business producing annually some fifteen million cell grown trees and hedging plants covering over 500 varieties. We then went to Simpsons Malt, a 5th generation family managed and owned maltings who supply malt all over the UK and many overseas destinations.
On day two our first visit was to the Thorburn Group, a 3rd generation family business, at their new £5.3m purpose built engineering factory, manufacturing steel buildings and livestock equipment.
The final visit was to the Jim Clark Motor Museum where we were very lucky that we had a personal tour by Jim’s cousin, also a racing driver in his day. Jim was a local farmer who became World Motor Racing Champion on two occasions but was tragically killed in a race that he didn’t want to do but which was part of his contractual obligation.
Huge thanks to Rob and Lucy who not only organised the visit but also kindly provided lunch before we all set off on our journeys home.
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