It is traditional for there to be links between Livery Companies and the Armed Forces – Regulars, Reserves and Cadets. These links enable the Livery to show support for the military and our appreciation for all they do to defend our country.

All Commanding Officers have a mission to nurture links with the civilian population. In the Army it is known as KAPE – Keeping the Army in the Public Eye. As the proportion of the population who have done military service shrinks the military face an increasing challenge to project an accurate picture of what they do.

Affiliations with the Royal Navy are generally with individual Ships and Boats, in the Army with “major” or “minor” units (for example Regiments or Companies), and in the Royal Air Force with Squadrons and/or Stations. Regulars are full-time professionals, while Reservists have civilian jobs and parade part-time. Cadets are generally aged 13 to 18, with adult instructors, and are composed of the Sea Cadet Corps, the Army Cadet Force, and the Air Training Corps.

Our gallant Clerk Colonel David King OBE, Clerk from 2005-15 initiated the idea that the Farmers Company should adopt the tradition of linking with the armed forces through the military affiliations programme.
This has resulted in The Farmers Company establishing 4 Military Affiliates:

Other affiliated parties with HMS Defender are the Worshipful Companies: Fletchers, Fullers, Weavers, and the Shearmen of Exeter and the Merchants House of Glasgow

HMS Defender

HMS Defender is the 5th of 6 Type 45 destroyers providing anti air warfare capability through air and missile defence. She has been deployed in a wide range of tasks from defending the fleet, to chasing down drug runners and pirates and providing humanitarian aid. She displaces 8.500 tonnes with a top speed of 30 knots and carries Sea Viper anti-air missiles with a range up to 70 miles.

Her recent deployment from May – December 2021 was with the Carrier Strike Group (CSG21).

The Ops Room briefing from Lt Cdr Quiller focused on the recent CSG21 deployment, which has been described as “challenging, but a hugely successful and rewarding deployment demonstrating the value of collaboration”. The CSG21 has been called “the largest in a generation multinational deployment” and the RN can now be described as “a carrier-centric navy” having proved it can operate anywhere. This has resulted in the UK carriers with Type 45 support (HMS Defender) being assigned by NATO as able to potentially deliver 5 days- notice of sailing. With the deteriorating stability around Ukraine, we could fully understand the frantic activity on board during our visit!

Commander Owen told us Defender’s ethos of “train hard- and fight easy” had paid off. Their mission was to provide and demonstrate what he termed “hard power” to adversaries, like Russia and protagonists, like China through her formal role of air and missile defence and “soft power” towards allies, partners and others through her hosting role organised by the Foreign Office as part of their Global Britain Strategy. In Mumbai they had participated in a large business event attended by Foreign Secretary Liz Truss.

Away for 7 months, Defender travelled 56,000 miles (round the world is 26,000 miles) and notably carried out the first operational firing of the Marltet missile by a Wildcat whilst in the Bay of Bengal.

HMS Defender had been given the lead responsibility for the air and missile defence for the Strike Group, her role to defend the aircraft carriers in the exercises and trials.

HMS Defender from 2023 in dry dock for 2-3 years for a propellor refit

HMS York

Our Affiliation with the Type 42 destroyer, HMS York dates from 4 June 2007 when 50 Liverymen visited the Ship in Portsmouth during the Master’s Visit of Master Sir Graham Wilkinson (Bt). The Affiliation was cemented at a Dinner that evening on HMS Victory between Sir Graham Wilkinson, and Commander Tim Cryer, the then Commanding Officer. It was agreed the Company would present a Leadership Trophy – in the words of the Illuminated Address: “The Company, supporting as it does the Armed Forces of the Crown, will present a solid silver presentation piece as the Worshipful Company of Farmers’ Leadership Trophy to be presented to the member of the Ship’s Company by the Commanding Officer for his or her contribution in the previous 12 months”.

The week before HMS York’s decommissioning the Master had been delighted to receive from Flag Officer Regional Forces at Navy Command, notification of an affiliation to a Type 45 destroyer - HMS Defender. On 21 March 2013 a party from the Company was present in Portsmouth at her Commissioning Ceremony of Type 45 destroyer, HMS Defender under command of Cdr Phil Nash, who took possession of our Trophy.

CO: Commander Peter Evans (from 2022). HMS Defender in dry dock for two to three years for a re-fit
Livery Liaison Officer: Executive War Officer, WO1 Jim Houghton
Livery Liaison (LO): The Clerk, Graham Bamford

Each year the Company makes an award for leadership. The Leadership Trophy is a traditional water jug in silver and carries our Coat of Arms in 24ct Gold Plating on Sterling Silver. The jug was presented by Sir Graham Wilkinson Bt, Master 2006-2007. The glass and silver jug remains the property of the Farmers Company but is kept on board ship, on loan.

Award recipients:

HMS York (Type 42 Destroyer)

2007 POMA CJ Nicholson
2009 WO1 (UW) D Smith
2010 POAWW F Saunders
2011 ET (ME) G Tindle
2012 LLOG (CS) (P) R George
2013 CPOET (WE) S Johns

HMS Defender (Type 45 Destroyer)

2014 CPO (CT) G Baxter
2016 LET (ME) J Mleczek
2018 PO (AWW) B Tyreman
2020 PO (CS) J Smith
2021 POMA A Addison

Banquet 2012: CO, Cdr Rex Cox RN and wife attended.

Banquet 2015: CO, Cdr Steve Higham RN and wife attended.

Banquet 2016 CO, Cdr Steve Higham RN and wife attended.

October 2016: Commander Steve Higham RN attended.

Banquet 2019: CO, Cdr Richard Hewitt RN and wife attended and there was a reunion with COs from the past; Captain (Retired) Cryer, Commodore Cox and Captain Nash as well as Commander Hewitt.

Banquet 2020: CO unable to attend. HMS Defender was represented from her ships company by Teilo Elliot RN and wife.

Banquet 2022: CO, Cdr Vince Owen RN and wife attended.

June 2009: representatives of the Company joined the Ship for celebrations in its home City. The Ship was in Hull where there was a Service of Rededication. Following this Service, Immediate Past Master Tom Copas presented to the Ship an Illuminated Address that had been prepared by the College of Arms and was signed by the Master on behalf of the Company and Commander Simon Staley RN as the Commanding Officer . Our copy is hung in the Court Room. The party then moved to York where the Ship’s Company exercised its right to parade through the streets.

August 2010: the Master (JC) and the CO Simon Staley, jointly hosted a 25th birthday party aboard the Ship in Portsmouth. This was attended by 60 Liverymen and most of the officers who had commanded York during its service.

2012: with the Ship now under command of Cdr Rex Cox

  • 20 July -the Company enjoyed a Sea Day.
  • 29 to 31 August Master’s (PF) visit at sea.
  • 14/15 September the Ship’s visit to Hull and York.
  • 27 September a party of 30 attended YORK’s decommissioning at Portsmouth.

March 2013: a party from the Company was present at HMS Defender’s Commissioning Ceremony.

Summer 2013: Cdr Nash took a small party of PM Sir Graham Wilkinson, Assistant Rosie Carne and Liveryman George Jessel to sea for 3 days of sea trials off Weymouth.

October 2013: the Master (Baroness Byford) was invited to an End of Era Dinner in the Painted Hall to mark the great service of the Type 42 Destroyers.

November 2013: Award presented on board by the Master (Baroness Byford).

February 2015: party of 30 Liverymen invited to accompany the Master (AA) for the 2015 Award presentation held on 26 February, tour of the Ship and entertain the CO, officers, and the winner to lunch in the Wardroom of HMS Nelson.

April 2015: Ship’s Visit to London at which the Master (AA) accompanied by Past Masters, with their spouses, were able to witness the Sunset Ceremony.

Oct 2015: Lunch attended by Commander Steve Higham RN.

June 2016: the Master (T W-H) joined HMS Defender on passage from Split to Cagliari as she returned from an 8-month deployment and presented the Company Trophy for 2015/16.

February 2017: the Master (PW) with 10 members of the Company were invited by Senior Naval Officer Lt Cdr Sean Trevathan to view the Ship in dry dock and to lunch at HMS Nelson.

July 2017: The Flotilla Awards Ceremony on HMS Victory was attended by the Master (PW).

2017 – 2019: No onboard activities due to deployment.

January 2019: the Master (RC) presented the Trophy on board in Portsmouth and attended lunch in the Captain’s cabin with the Clerk (GB).

February 2022: the Master (KM) accompanied by IPM (RW), PM’S DB and RC +Assistant Clerk (DC) and Liveryman (CD) presented the Award, lunched in the Captain’s cabin and had tours of the ship and HMS Victory.

May 2022: The Master Karen Mercer with two Liverymen attended a ‘sea day’ onboard on 11th May before the ship was deployed on a NATO exercise

The Westminster Dragoons (WDs) is a yeomanry regiment of the British Army, Army Reserve, located in central London. Its lineage is continued by one of the Royal Yeomanry's six squadrons. Formed in the aftermath of Second Boer War as part of the County of London Yeomanry, the WDs fought in the Battle of Gallipoli and led British forces onto the beaches during the Normandy Invasion in 1944. The squadron most recently saw action on Operation Telic, for which it was mobilised for the 2003 war in Iraq. The Regiment celebrated its centenary in 2019.

Affiliation start date: 2007

The Army affiliation came about through the Clerk’s (Colonel David King OBE) links with Headquarters London District. The Westminster Dragoons are a London-based Reserve Squadron, commanded by a Major, and is part of a prestigious Regiment, based at Fulham House, London SW6. Formed during the Boer War, the Westminster Dragoons is London’s only Reserve Army Cavalry Unit with the role of providing specialist reconnaissance for the British Army on operations. The parent Regiment, the Royal Yeomanry (which has its headquarters in Croydon) is Britain’s most senior volunteer cavalry regiment. There is also a Royal Yeomanry band based in London (used to playing The Farmers Boy as it is their Regimental March!) which could provide musicians at events.

Honorary Colonel: Lt General Sir Simon Mayall
Officer Commanding; Major Mike Crofts
Livery Liaison Officer: Lt Cowan Taylor
Chairman of Regimental Association: Gary Tomlin
Secretary of Regimental Association: Colin Fitzgerald
Livery Liaison (LO): Liveryman Giles Turton from October 2021

The Award to be presented annually to the winning Troop, is the 16-inch, 72-ounce, silver Rose Water Dish, hall-marked 1966, with the Arms in enamel, originally presented to the Farmers Company by Past Master the late Peter Taylor TD JP DL and gifted as this award by his son, PM Simon Taylor. The Dish will remain Farmers Company property but be kept at Fulham House on loan. The Westminster Dragoons have a stand made on which the names of winners are added on engraved silver labels. The recipient is chosen by the Officer Commanding and presented by the Master.

Award recipients:

Winner of award 2016: Staff Sergeant Robin Rowe (2017 promoted to SSM)

Winner of award 2017: Private Kirsty Chambers

Winner of award 2019 (presented by Master Rosie Carne on 31 July 19): 3 Tp - Recruitment and Community Engagement Troop (received by 2LT Hugo Sutton)

Winner of Award 2020 (presented by Master Richard Whitlock in August 2021 at Regimental Association Dinner)

Winner of award 2021 (Presented by Master Karen Mercer in Nov 2021 at Squadron Ball)

Winner of award 2022 (Presented by Master Richard Davies in Nov 2022 at Squadron Ball): Recruit Troop (received by 2Lt John Gulian)

Winner of award 2023 (Presented by Master Guy Brogden in April 2024 at WD HQ, Fulham): 1 Troop (received by 2Lt Cowan Taylor and Cp Taylor)

2007 Banquet : Provided a carpet guard.

2017 Banquet: Major Charlie Rotheram WD attended.

2018 Banquet: Lt Nick Higton; Lt Matthew Saunders; SSgt Robin Rowe; Pte Kirsty Chambers attended.

2020 Banquet: Maj Sam Beagley and guest attended + Carpet Guard provided.

2021 Banquet: Maj Sam Beagley and guest attended.

2022 Banquet: Maj Sam Beagley and guest attended.

2023 Banquet: Maj Mike Crofts & Eleanor Crofts + Carpet Guard

2024Banquet: Maj Mike Crofts & Eleanor Crofts + Carpet Guard

Master (RC)attended 2019 Regimental Dinner 100th Anniversary of the WD’s at Cavalry & Guards Club.

Master (RC) presented 2019 Award at training evening in Fulham.

Master & Mrs Bolton attended WD’s 2019 Ball.

Master (RW) & Chairman of MA Committee (RC) attended 2021Regimental Dinner of the WD’s at Cavalry & Guards Club + Master presented Award.

Master (KM) attended WD’s 2021 Ball

Master (KM), Chairman of MA Committee (RC) and LO Giles Turton attended 2022 Regimental Association Dinner of the WD’s at Cavalry & Guards Club (Sept 2022)

Chairman of MA Committee (RC) and Liveryman Richard Halhead attended the squadron’s Remembrance Sunday parade in Fulham (Nov 2022)

Master (RD) attended WD’s 2022 Squadron Winter Ball (Nov 2022)

Master (GB) and LO Giles Turton attended WD Training evening at HQ Fulham, Master presented 2023 Award. Full Squadron photo taken (April 2024)

RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire is one of the RAF’s busiest Stations as the hub of UK Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) and the main operating base for airborne intelligence aircraft and systems.

Air ISTAR is the RAF’s eyes and ears in the sky and provides British and NATO military commanders with critical information about activity on the ground, in the air, and at sea.

The Air Warfare Centre at RAF Waddington provides timely and contextual integrated mission support to front line commanders.

The Air Battlespace Training Centre also prepares Service Personnel through demanding and immersive training scenarios across land, sea, and air.

Approximately 3,500 Service personnel, civil servants and contractors work at RAF Waddington.

Affiliation start date: 2013

Confirmed in a letter to Master John Reynolds from Station Commander Group Captain R P Barrow OBE RAF who was seeking an Affiliation with the Company because of the farming links we can offer in Lincolnshire. After some discussion we agreed the Affiliation and our first visit took place in 2013.

Waddington wished to present a Trophy to, who in the words of his Commanding Officer has made an “unsurpassed contribution” to the wellbeing of the Station/Squadron throughout the past year.

Squadron Personnel:

Station Commander & CO: Group Captain Dominic (DUTCH) Holland, OBE, MA, RAF from 15th December 2023

Livery Liaison Officer (LLO): Fg Off Christian Henry-Campbell from May 22nd, 2024.

Liver Liaison (LO) Liverman Michael Chennells from 2021

The Farmers Company Award: Silver salver gifted by Liveryman Tony Ireland to commemorate his own company’s association with the Royal Air Force, 100 years in 2020. Tony generously agreed to sponsor a Salver together with keepsakes for the first 12 recipients.

The award is for “Excellence throughout the year” and presented to the aviator who has made an ‘unsurpassed contribution” to the wellbeing of the “Station/Squadron throughout the past year, and the most significant contribution to the ISTAR Force Mission. Recipient to be chosen annually by the Station Commander. Nominees drawn from the commissioned and non-commissioned ranks and may be Aircrew or support of Operations or adding to the quality of life of the home base. The nominations from across RAF Waddington to demonstrate one or more of the following fields: leadership, management, endeavour, team spirit, active community engagement, promoting education in the field of Airpower.
The Silver salver, remains Farmers Company property but is kept at RAF Waddington on loan. It is presented to the recipient and engraved.

Award recipients:

Winner of 2015 award: Ft Lt Jackson
Winner of 2016 award: Ft Lt Sharon Ingle
Winner of 2017 award: Ft Sgt Chris Angell
Winner of 2018 award: Sgt David Mason from 5 Sqn.
Winner of 2019 award: Senior Air Traffic Control Officer (SATCO) Sqn Ldr Allan Stubbs, attached to the Operations Wing at Waddington, not to a Squadron.
Winner of 2021 award: Squadron Leader Christopher Whitehair

Winner of 2022 award: Squadron Leader David Pickard

Winner of 2023 award: Corporal Matt Healey

June 2016 : Sq. Leader Dave McRitchie, OC 51 Squadron, Waddington attended.

December 2017: Ft Lt Steve Tavener, LO Waddington, attended as IPM Philip Wynn’s guest.

Banquet 2019: Station Commander Tom Burke and& wife attended.

Banquet 2020: Station Commander, Group Captain Steve Kilvington and& wife attended.

Banquet 2022: Station Commander Group Captain Mark Lorriman-Hughes OBE and wife attended.

Lambing 2023: Station Commander, Group Captain Mark Lorriman-Hughes contacted LO Michael Chennells and asked if it would be possible to arrange an evening lambing experience for his wife, who had it on her bucket list of things to do. This was arranged with Jack Battersby of Eagle and took place on 29th March 2023.

Lincolnshire Dinner 2023: Station Commander, Group Captain Mark Lorriman-Hughes OBE and wife attended.

Banquet 2024: Group Captain (Dutch) Holland OBE, MA, RAF attended.

Lambing 2024: Retired Station Commander Mark Lorriman-Hughes and wife Vicky attended another lambing session with local Sheep Farmer Jack Battersby before taking up his new position in Florida, USA. Organised by LO Michael Chennells

June 2014 Livery visit to Waddington.

March 2018: Livery visit to RAF Waddington included being able to go on board the Sentinel, visiting the museum at RAF Digby, the new International Bomber Command Memorial and Centre.

May 2019: Livery visit to Waddington and presentation of the Award by the Master (RC) hosted by the Station Commander Group Captain Tom Burke MA BSc RAF.

July 2020: Zoom call with Station Commander, Group Captain Steve Kilvington.

October 2021: brought the welcome restoration of the relationship between RAF Waddington and the Farmers Company with the invitation for eight members to attend the presentation of our 2021 Award.

June 2022: RAF Annual Formal reception, the livery was represented by LO Michael Chennells accompanied by wife Diane.

November 2022: Livery visit to Waddington. Lunch and presentation of the award by the Master (RD) hosted by the Station Commander Mark Lorriman-Hughes OBE.

May 31st, 2023, Dinner at the Station Commanders home: the livery was represented by LO Michael Chennells accompanied by wife Diane and was attended by the Station Commander and his wife along with 6 local dignitaries.

November 8th, 2023, Livery visit to RAF Waddington: Lunch, and presentation of the award by the Master (GB) and hosted by the Station Commander Mark Lorriman-Hughes OBE.

June 13th, 2024: Annual formal reception. The livery will be represented by (LO) Michael Chennells accompanied by wife Diane. At this event the RAF reach out to the local and wider community, distinguished guests and all those associated with the base.

Middlesex Wing is one of 6 Wings within London and Southeast Region Air Cadets. With 24 Squadrons they bring aviation and adventure to young people between the ages of 12-20.

The Air Cadets are supported by the Royal Air Force but are not a recruiting organisation. They offer training useful in both military and civilian life, giving teenagers useful life skills including teamwork and leadership, as well as developing their self-confidence.

The activities they offer are wide and varied. From flying to sports, Duke of Edinburgh's awards to BTEC qualifications, parades to rock climbing and lots more! Action and adventure are never far away, but always in a safe environment with qualified instructor staff.

Whatever your future ambitions, they can give a head start and help develop the skills that employers look for.

You can learn more about the Royal Air Force Air Cadets from the Royal Air Force Air Cadets website.

Affiliation start date: 2008

In July 2008, the Commanding Officer of the Middlesex Wing of the Air Cadets, Wing Commander Ian Davison, wrote to the Master Tom Copas, proposing the Farmers Company consider them becoming a military affiliate. His suggestion was discussed and approved, and The Middlesex Wing of the Air Training Corps became an affiliation.
Liverymen attending banquets since 2009 have been greeted by smartly turned- out Air Cadets. Thanks to generous gifts by Past Master John Thorpe all Squadrons compete for 2 Worshipful Company of Farmers trophies.  One awarded to the Squadron which has done the most for community relations and the second to the Squadron who has been gained most points for adventurous training.

Commanding officer: Wing Commander Taz Bhachoo
Livery Liaison Officer: Wing Commander Taz Bhachoo
Livery Liaison (LO): Journeyman Victoria Rayner

The Silver Salver was originally gifted by PM John Thorpe. The salver remains the property of the Farmers Company but is on loan and kept by the Middlesex Wing of the Air Cadets. The Award recipient, chosen by the CO, is for “the Squadron or Cadet who has contributed the most for Community Relations” and is presented by the Master on Wing Field Day. Presentation usually held at RAF Northolt.

Award recipients:

2013      862 Sunbury Squadron                                         Presented by Master John Reynolds
2014      2473 Highlands and Southgate Squadron        Presented by Master Hazel Byford DBE
2015      862 Sunbury Squadron                                         Presented by Master Tony Alston
2016      2473 Highlands and Southgate Squadron        Presented by Master Thomas Wheatley-Hubbard
2017      2473 Highlands and Southgate Squadron        Presented by Master Phillip Wynn
2018      86 Heston and Isleworth Squadron                   Presented by Master Julian Sayers
2019      393 Finchley Squadron                                         Presented by Master Rosie Carne
2020      No Award due to Covid
2021      No Award due to Covid
2022      862 Sunbury Squadron                                        Presented by O/C Niall Cumming as Wing Field Day cancelled
2023     398 Staines and Egham Squadron                     Presented by Master Richard Davies
2024     1083 Uxbridge Squadron                                      Presented by Master Guy Brogden


December lunch 2015: Sq Leader Niall Cumming in attendance

Banquet 2016: 6 Cadets and WSO Sector Office Chris Pocock in attendance

Banquet 2017: 6 Cadets and WSO Sector Office Chris Pocock in attendance.
December lunch 2017: Wing Commander Dan Milhailovic and Ft Lt Ben Wakefield in attendance
Banquet 2018: 6 Cadets and WSO Sector Office Chris Pocock in attendance
December lunch 2018: Wing Commander Dan Milhailovic and Flying Officer Alex Harley in attendance

Banquet 2019 : 6 Cadets and WSO Sector Office Chris Pocock in attendance

Banquet 2020 : 6 Cadets and WSO Sector Office Chris Pocock in attendance

No Banquet due to Covid

Banquet 2022 : 6 cadets + Pilot Officer Chris Pocock in attendance. O/C Wing Commander Niall Cumming with wife Morag as guests

Banquet 2024: 6 cadets + Pilot Officer Chris Pocock in attendance. O/C Wing Commander Niall Cumming with wife Morag as guests

2008      Wing Field Day attended by Master Tom Copas
2013       Wing Field Day attended by Master John Reynolds
2014      Wing Field Day attended by Master Hazel Byford DBE
2015      Wing Field Day attended by Master Tony Alston
2016      Wing Field Day attended by Master Thomas Wheatley- Hubbard
2017      Wing Field Day attended by Master Phillip Wynn
2018      Wing Field Day attended by Master Julian Sayers
2019       Wing Field Day attended by Master Rosie Carne
2020      Wing Field Day cancelled due to Covid
2021      Wing Field Day  cancelled due to Covid
2022      Wing Field Day cancelled due to Covid rules
2023      Wing Field Day attended by Master Richard Davies
2024      Wing Field Day attend by Master Guy Brogden