
City Food and Drink Lecture

Along with some 600 others, the Master attended the 22nd City Food and Drink Lecture at the Guildhall on 15 May, where the guest of honour was the Princess Royal.

The Lecture is organised by a consortium of food-related Livery Companies – the Bakers, Butchers, Cooks, Distillers, Farmers, Fishmongers, Fruiterers and Poulters – and presided over by the Lord Mayor. Next year’s Chairman will be our own Allan Wilkinson.

Professor Charles Godfray of the Oxford Martin School gave the main speech and echoed some of the sentiments he expressed during our own ‘Question Time’, addressing the issue of a secure, healthy food supply in a crowded world, where 120 million people still go to bed hungry.

We will need to produce at least 30% more food to keep pace with future demand. It was striking that he too (like Henry Dimbleby at our Banquet) singled out obesity as one of the most serious threats ‘which could bankrupt the NHS’.

Read more about the Lecture here:

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