Please consider leaving the Worshipful Company of Farmers Charitable Fund a gift in your will. No matter how large or small your gift, your generosity will help us to continue our long tradition of charitable work and the education of future generations of young people – it’s a tradition of which we should all be rightly proud and a part of.

Every gift large or small has made a difference and any future donations will be used to support our core objectives:

  • To strengthen our endowment to help the Company meet the challenges of the future.
  • To attract leaders in many fields of activity because they are the best way to further enhance the quality of the teaching and content on the courses we run.
  • To be able to increase the scope of our activities in the fields of agricultural business management and research and to increase the disbursements made by our Almoners committee.

There are a number of ways that a legacy can be donated and the Company can help in the creation of exactly the right arrangement in a given situation. A gift can be made for a specific purpose or activity but generally we would encourage Liverymen making a gift to allow the Livery to decide how best to allocate it.

The options open to Liverymen, or indeed anyone, wishing to donate to our charitable funds through their will, are broadly as follows:

  • A Residuary Gift – the remainder of your estate after all payments and other bequests have been fulfilled.
  • A Pecuniary Gift – the gift of a pre-determined sum of money.
  • A Specific Gift – the donation of something of value (property, assets, stocks and shares, investments etc).
  • A Reversionary Gift – A gift that the Company only receives the benefit of upon the death of another beneficiary.

You can also download suggested draft wording for the arrangement of various forms of legacy to discuss with your solicitor.

If you would like more information, discuss legacy giving in general or would like to indicate your interest in creating a gift for the Company’s Charitable Fund, then please contact Liveryman John Heath, the Charity Co-ordinator in complete confidence. You can write to John at Ellenhall Grange Farm, Ellenhall, Eccleshall, Staffordshire ST21 6QJ, or telephone him on 01785 850320.

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